Deutsche Samstagsschule Houston 

Summer School Registration  2024

Registrant Information

Important: Please read.
Multiple Children must be registered in the same transaction. 
Please enter only the name of one child at a time. You will be given the option to add more registrants after submitting the information for your first child. 

 Multiple Children must register for the same term. 

Parent Information

Please enter the requested information. Please write N/A in fields that do not apply.

Tuition Overview

Summer School Tution 

$150 per Child


Payment Type

Families with Multiple Children must select the same payment type for each child!




I give permission that the above information name, e-mail and phone is used in the student's directory.

I give permission for my child's picture to be used on the schools website and publications.

Refund Policy
Cancellation by Registrant: Tuition paid by you for a course will be refunded to you ONLY if, no later than after the fifth scheduled class for the course, we RECEIVE written notice that you are canceling your registration.
Application and Registration Fees are not refundable. Such written cancellation notice must be sent by email to [email protected].

Cancellation by Us: In the unlikely event that we cancel a course or we are unable to offer proper placement for the student, Tuition for the course will be refunded.

Any refunds will be processed through this registration platform and credited back to your card.

Multiple Children must be processed in the same transaction in order for discounts to be calculated correctly. Please select 


 This is not a button - see button below

 and then 

This is not a button - see button below

in order to add another child and for Discounts to be applied correctly.

RegFox Event Registration Software